Founded in 1959, la Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice Bologna (Clueb) publishes guides for universities, essay collections and monographs in specialist areas of research. The Clueb ...
Founded in 1959, la Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice Bologna (Clueb) publishes guides for universities, essay collections and monographs in specialist areas of research. The Clueb catalogue contains over 1700 titles in all major disciplines as well as fields of interest not directly related to university study, including fiction and non-fiction in subject areas of popular interest. Clueb produces numerous series in association with university departments and staff members aimed at the detailed study of themes of educational import which also pertain to issues of training and development in the professional arena. Forty years of experience in the academic environment, in fact, have allowed Clueb to establish a solid foundation not only in areas regarding the theory of various disciplines but also in providing material that offers technical support to students and professionals working in a wide variety of sectors. This has been reflected and enhanced by the development of interactive multimedia and audiovisual tools which provide an aid to learning and a highly productive accompaniment to traditional methods of study. A part of this has involved the digital reproduction of antiquarian texts and virtual libraries which are the results of Clueb's significant participation in important projects regarding the digitalization of learning resources: including the
Librit project (; the
Irnerio project, done in association with the ®Real Collegio di Spagna¯ in Bologna; and the reproduction of the renowned herbarium of Ulisse Aldrovandi, done in association with l'Orto Botanico dell'Universit. di Bologna.